Greetings, Mental Health Network colleagues!
I hope those of you returning from spring break enjoyed some relaxation, and those breaking later this month have time to do the same. April is Stress Awareness Month- be sure to make time to acknowledge the stress in your life, and take steps to manage it. NYSUT members have access to our free and confidential Peer Support Line for listening and guidance, as well as a premium subscription to the Calm app.
Continuing Education:
We are very happy to announce NYSUT is now an approved provider of continuing education for LMSW/LCSW! Our webinars are free for NYSUT members and registration is now open:
Tuesday April 23, 4:30-6pm Working with Immigrant Children and Families: Culturally Responsive Support
1.0 CE Register here
Wednesday May 22, 4:30-6pm Therapy Dogs: Creating a dog program in your facility
1.0 CE Register here
*Monthly webinars will continue to be open to all members looking to learn about these topics- not just social workers
Working Together: Collective Care Team
NYSUT Program Services, Communications, and Legislation staff continue to meet with the leaders of NYSSSWA, NYSSCA, NYASP and NYSASN to discuss lobbying efforts for all members of the Collective Care Team (CCT). Representatives from these groups will be meeting with legislators next month to discuss bills relevant to your professions and provide insight on the impactful work you do each and every day. We will also be presenting you with educational materials to share- more to come!
MHN In the News:
Check out the article highlighting the great work of the CCT in Victor
and read about the members contributing to the discussion around social media and cell phone use by students
REGISTRATION IS OPEN!: May 11, 2024 IS NYSUT's Health Care Professionals Conference at the Crowne Plaza Albany- The Desmond Hotel. This year will feature a "Mental Health Track" with offerings for social workers, psychologists and counselors. There is a first-time attendee rate and there will be 4.0 CEUs available for LMSW/LCSW.
Training opportunities and events through our community partners:
MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center
April 11: Making the connection: Outdoor Adventures = +Mental Health
April 17: The digital divide: how to manage phone use, cyberbullying, and the impact of online socializing with students
ongoing trainings from SPCNY/NYOMH :
Creating Suicide Safety in School, Suicide Safety for Teachers and School Staff, Helping Students at Risk for Suicide
Question of the Month: Is there a training topic or speaker you would like to see added to our free webinar series? OR are you looking to share your knowledge and resources with the group and provide a webinar to your colleagues? reach out!
Take care and be well,