Happy Holidays!
I enjoyed meeting many of you at the recent statewide conferences; it was so great to see the energy and enthusiasm for your work in person. We have a lot of new members so I want to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Courtney Hill, licensed clinical social worker, and Social Services Specialist for NYSUT. The goal of this communication is to enhance the relationships between NYSUT and school social workers, psychologists, and counselors. We strive to share ideas, news, support, and opportunities to work together for advocacy. We will periodically send out surveys and questions looking for your feedback and ideas, but you are free to send in your thoughts at any time, I am always open to suggestions.
Upcoming training opportunities:
We are excited to announce new monthly webinars being offered free through NYSUT Program Services!
January 24: Understanding HIPAA & FERPA register here
February: Workplace Violence (registration coming soon)
March: Cultural Competence (registration coming soon)
SAVE THE DATE: May 11, 2024 for NYSUT's Health Care Professionals Conference at the Crowne Plaza Albany- The Desmond Hotel. This year will feature a "Mental Health Track" with offerings for social workers, psychologists and counselors. More info coming soon!
Training opportunities and events through MHANYS:
12/19: Family Roundtable Discussion- Holiday Stress & Support
News from NEA:
The CDC released a school mental health action guide to support schools in their efforts to promote students’ mental health.
This action guide is a direct response to recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey findings, which show that adolescent mental health has been worsening for more than a decade and that key indicators of poor mental health have reached alarming levels. The action guide describes six proven in-school strategies to promote and support mental health and well-being. read more here
Question of the month: Did you have a favorite presenter or training at your recent conference? Send me the info!
As we all know, the holidays are a joyous time, but also a stressful and emotional time for many. Be sure to take time to rest, reflect, and recharge your own batteries as you care for your students and your families.
Wishing you a happy, healthy start to your 2024,