January 01, 1900

What are NYSUT members saying about ELT?

Source:  NYSUT Education and Learning Trust

What are NYSUT members saying about the professional development courses offered through NYSUT's Education and Learning Trust?

"This was a great course! I learned a lot and I know I will use this information in the near future."

Ashley Mangabang

"It always seems that NYSUT is one step ahead of the NYS Education Department as to our needs in the profession. I am leaving this class with a plethora of ideas and activities to implement during the year."

Valerie Hill

"The Applied Behavior Analysis course provided me with a slew of research based and practical ideas for dealing with those children in my class who exhibit disruptive behaviors. I look forward to the 2012-2013 school year!"

Joshua Lee

"I will be able to take what I learn and use it in my classroom to connect to the students I teach."

Stephanie Rossi

"I feel empowered to build a supportive environment in my classroom."

Laura Vera