April 16, 2008

Sandy Feldman Leadership Grant: Michelle Pancoe

Source:  NYSUT Awards and Honors 2008

Michelle Pancoe

Williamsville Teachers Association

Michelle PancoeMichelle Pancoe attended the NYSUT Leadership Institute in 2005 and the state AFL-CIO Leadership Institute in 2006-07. She has been working toward a certificate in labor studies through Cornell's School of Industrial and Labor Relations. This grant will help her broaden her understanding of labor issues and the labor movement. Pancoe is the vice president for political action, the new member coordinator and the Web site coordinator in her local.

She is a member of the WTA executive committee and a delegate to the NYSUT RA. A member of the statewide committee on educational technology, Pancoe also is interning as a regional VOTE-COPE coordinator. She co-chairs the Western New York PAC and is a delegate to the Buffalo Central Labor Council.