April 23, 2013

Food for Thought: RC 18 President Barbara Keilty

Author: Barbara Keilty, President, Retiree Council 18
Source:  NYSUT Retiree Services

Food for Thought: Retiree Leaders Speak Out

President’s Corner by RC 18 President Barbara Keilty

Spring has arrived! We can once again smell the flowers, hear the birds sing their love songs, and spend more time outdoors.

Although time and season move forward, the same issues that have burdened us as dedicated educators continue. In our state, massive funding is being cut; defined benefit pensions are under attack; burdening evaluation systems are unrealistic; over- testing of our students continues; and the list goes on.

At the federal level, the same is heard. Proposals to redefine Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid once again target us. The proposal of the Chained CPI* looms over the heads of all present and future retirees. Trying to balance the budget on the backs of retirees is not acceptable! Social Security is self-funded. As a retiree recently stated at the RA in Washington, DC: “This is not a redefinition, this is a tax on retirees.” These issues and many more were the highlights addressed by an array of speakers: NYSUT President Dick

Iannuzzi, Executive VP Andy Pallotta, VP Maria Neira, and VP Kathleen Donahue, as well as, Senator C. Schumer, Comptroller T. Di Napoli, leadership from NEA, AFL-CIO, UFT, AFT.

NYSUT is one of the strongest unions in America! Your VOTE-COPE contributions continue to help turn the political landscape, but our work is not done. We all have choices, and we can either be a bystander and ignore, or become politically active. Make the right choice! NYSUT has given us that tool: sign on to MAC Center and be an ‘e-activist’, support VOTECOPE.

*Consumer Price Index

View previous Food For Thought items.