October 04, 2015

October is National Bullying Awareness Month

Author: Liza Frenette
Source:  NYSUT Communications
NEA's Bully Free, It Starts With Me.

Just as the leaves begin to change color in the Northeast this month so, too, does October’s National Bullying Awareness month focus on change. Many organizations and schools are providing opportunities to open channels of information to help stop bullying.

Bullying can happen in schools, in the workplace, on the playground and in the staff lounge. It can happen if you have a disability, if you are not on the day’s “cool” list, if you are gay, if you are obese, if you speak out, if you speak another language or if you are a victim of rumors.  It can happen for almost any reason. Educators and School-Related Professionals who see the harmful effects of bullying on their students may be baffled about how to respond.

Here are some resources to help raise awareness:

  • On AFT’s free “Share My Lesson” website, a lesson plan is available on “It Takes One.”
  • The National Education Association’s strong “Bully free, it starts with me” campaign has a resource kit designed by educators for educators. It reflects research on bullying prevention.
  • The United Federation of Teachers has a Braveline help line to talk about bullying from Monday through Friday, 2:30 to 9:30, for New York City students, parents and teachers. Call (212) 709-3222.
  • The American Federation of Teachers supports professional development training so educators can learn how to prevent and address bullying. With its campaign, “See a bully, stop a bully,” the AFT has compiled a fact sheet on frequently asked questions about bullying.'

Bullying doesn't only happen to children.  Go to the NYSUT Workplace Bullying Toolkit for resources and sample polices from around the country that help address bullying in the workplace.