May 10, 2016

TAKE ACTION: Support safe staffing legislation for nurses

Author: Andy Pallotta, Executive Vice President
Source:  NYSUT Legislative and Political Department
TAKE ACTION: Support safe staffing legislation for nurses

Staffing cuts threaten patient safety and endanger quality health care in New York.

Over the last several years, staffing in many of our hospitals and health facilities has been cut to dangerously low levels, and there is currently no recognized standard for appropriate staffing levels in hospitals and facilities providing nursing services. The safe staffing bill would help ensure that patients receive safe, quality and appropriate health care.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to tell lawmakers to support a safe staffing bill establishing satisfactory minimum nurse-to-patient staff plans!

A clear and direct connection exists between the number of nursing staffing hours and the quality of care that patients receive. A growing body of evidence has shown that the rate of mortality in acute care settings decreases with a higher rate of the number of registered nurses-to-patients. Further, the rate of injury and infection decreases with increased licensed nursing staff. Research shows that appropriate nursing interventions can reduce the length of stay in acute care settings and improve the quality of life in long-term care settings.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to tell lawmakers to support a safe staffing bill establishing satisfactory minimum nurse-to-patient staff plans!

Establishing staffing standards for licensed nurses in acute care facilities and nursing homes in New York State would ensure that these facilities operate in a manner that guarantees the safe delivery of quality health care services.

Please help make that happen!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT Executive Vice President

P.S.: Safe staffing equals better health care! Please take action now to support safe staffing legislation!