Educator Inspired: NYSUT campaign captures real impact of educators

Source:  NYSUT United. November-December 2023.
Educator Inspired

A version of this article appears in the Nov.-Dec. 2023 edition of NYSUT United.

Learn more about NYSUT's latest initiative at

It’s no secret the teaching profession has come under increased fire in recent years. Extremists are turning curriculum into culture war issues. Some politicians are seizing the opportunity to demonize public education and divide voters. Certain media outlets are amplifying these stories to stoke even more outrage.

Thankfully, these efforts are largely failing.

Polls show most Americans trust their children’s teachers and value public school education. And we know that almost everyone — regardless of age, region of the country or personal belief system — can thank at least one educator who transformed the way they see the world or themselves.

That’s why NYSUT has launched “Educator Inspired,” a sprawling new multimedia campaign to honor these untold stories and pay homage to the educators whose impacts ripple across entire communities.

“Almost every adult that I speak to has a favorite educator, somebody who made a difference for them, somebody who changed the trajectory of their life or got them inspired about a subject area, and what we’re doing is asking people to tell those stories,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person.

“Educator Inspired” encourages people to share memories about their favorite teachers through videos, written testimonials and other media. We are also setting up our “Educator Inspired” booth at fairs, festivals and markets across New York state. We will share the vignettes we gather on our new “Educator Inspired” website and social media channels.

The more we share these true stories, the more we push back on the false narratives that spread through anti-educator, anti-public-school propaganda. These personal accounts will amplify pride in our public schools and respect for the individuals who have dedicated their lives to education.

This campaign, along with our efforts to Fix Tier 6 and address APPR, will help ensure our members’ professions are enticing and sustainable career choices. But most importantly, “Educator Inspired” gives us an opportunity to thank our teachers directly, maybe for the first time, for the vital work they do and the meaningful influence they continue to have.

“When people put those stories out into the world,” Person said, “our members get to be reminded of who they are for their students.”

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