October 2010 Issue
September 30, 2010

Greenways: Up in the air

Source: NYSUT United

Up in the air

Environmental education resource guides for grades K-12 are available from the Air and Waste Management Association at http://www.awma.org. Four free lessons are available at the site.

Other learning tools include understanding air quality outreach products, information booklets and fact sheets.

Classroom conservation

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has school grant opportunities for environmental justice, recycling and plantings, among other programs.

 Visit http://www.dec.ny.gov for information about environmental justice grants — funding to clean up lead and mercury contamination — or education projects to connect students with nature. Recycling grants provide matching funds to school districts through the municipal waste reduction and recycling state assistance program.

 Students can see the effects of "going green" by utilizing an urban forestry grant for projects such as plantings on school properties.

 EnCon also has a Green Schools Challenge to recognize programs in waste reduction, reuse, recycle, composting and purchasing of recycled products and packaging. The agency's Environmental Excellence Awards Program honors schools, individuals and other organizations for achieving exceptional environmental benefits and improving and protecting the environment. Visit www.dec.ny.gov/public/945.html.