March 2012 Issue
February 17, 2012

Teacher evaluation at-a-glance

Author: Sylvia Saunders
Source: NYSUT United

Teacher Performance

Sixty percent of a teacher's evaluation will be based on rigorous and nationally recognized measures of teacher performance. A majority of the points will be based on more than one classroom observation by a trained principal or administrator; at least one observation will be unannounced. Procedures and remaining options, which are subject to collective bargaining, could include any or all of the following: evidence of teacher practice through student portfolios or other artifacts, observations by independent trained evaluators, peer classroom observations, and/or student and parent feedback surveys.

Student Achievement

Forty percent of a teacher's evaluation will be based on student academic achievement, with 20 percent from state tests and 20 percent on a student assessment selected locally through collective bargaining from a list of five options: state tests (using data in a different way than the first 20 percent); third party assessments/tests approved by SED; locally developed tests subject to SED review and approval; schoolwide measures; and student learning objectives.

Rating System

Teachers will be rated ineffective, developing, effective and highly effective. Those rated ineffective in the 40 points under student achievement could not receive a developing, effective or highly effective score overall. A teacher who receives an ineffective rating must receive support and training to improve; two consecutive ineffective ratings could lead to dismissal. The appeals process must be bargained collectively.

The governor has linked the APPR to any increase in school funding for 2012-13. For districts to be eligible, they must have an SED-approved APPR by Jan. 17, 2013.