April 2013 Issue
March 28, 2013

Short takes: The pitfalls of alcohol

Source: NYSUT United

The pitfalls of alcohol

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) announced April as Alcohol Awareness Month with a campaign to raise awareness of the health and social problems that excessive alcohol consumption can cause for individuals, families and communities.

Excessive drinking is a dangerous behavior for both men and women. Women tend to absorb more alcohol when they drink, and take longer to break it down and remove it from their bodies, compared to men, due to body composition and chemistry. For women, the immediate effects of impairment occur more quickly and last longer. Binge drinking is a risk factor for sexual assault, especially among young women in college settings. Visit www.cdc.gov/features/alcoholawareness for more information.

Reading boosts mental health

Need a mental health break? Try the library. April is School Library Month and April 14-20 is National Library Week. April is also National Poetry Month.

Reading helps improve language and communication. It provides an opportunity to learn more vocabulary, more facts and more ways to think about things. Taking time to read an enjoyable book of fiction, poetry or nonfiction is a wonderful way to relieve stress and to slow down.

This month, libraries will host special events to highlight their role in providing books, reading suggestions, collections, digital resources, adult education classes or help with homework, job searches, citizenship issues or finances.