February Issue
January 27, 2015


Source: NYSUT United

Here's a sample of what they're saying on Facebook:

  • Come on Cuomo — give kids the education they deserve with the funding they deserve. — Muriel Ventura
  • Charter school proponents, who receive generous public tax monies, contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to their friend Cuomo. Again, the children of New York state public schools pay the price. — Margaret Flood Nolan
  • Let's invite Governor Cuomo to teach for a few days in our inner city public schools or in our rural communities. Maybe the problem is in the tests of assessment and not the teachers. He needs some reality checks, not rumor or hearsay, to comment on the capability of educators in NYS. Counter statements to put a squash on his outrageous charges of inadequacy are called for ... our silence and the voice labeled as Union is not enough. It is NYSUT members who must speak out as individuals as well. In unity. ... — Susan Mittler
  • Instead of a war on teachers there should be a war on poverty. — Robin Plummer
  • Student performance will not improve as long as the people standing in front of students are being demonized. — Claire Scesney-Lundahl
  • We all need to rise up and no longer accept the damaging high-stakes testing environment and APPR. It is poisoning our schools. — Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski

Go to www.facebook.com/NYSUTUnited and join the conversation