APPR/Teacher Evaluation
February 19, 2015

Differentiated Evaluation Process

Source: Research and Educational Services

Differentiated Evaluation ProcessA continuum of practice aligned with a continuum of support

“This Differentiated Evaluation process is flexible and targeted providing greater autonomy for teachers to design and monitor their own professional growth. It’s the support for teachers professional learning that will improve teacher effectiveness and student growth.”
- Mary Lou Megarr, President, Plattsburgh Teachers Association

The Challenge:

Teacher evaluation systems often deal with all teachers and students in the same manner — regardless of individual interests, priorities, or needs for support. These systems can be complicated, time-consuming, and inefficient. In addition, standardized or third-party assessments to measure student learning are often unable to capture evidence of teaching practices that promote 21st century skills, student engagement or constructivist teaching and learning.

At present, New York state’s single pathway through teacher evaluation neither accounts for differences in teacher performance and the limitations of standardized tests, nor does it offer evaluators strategies to target resources efficiently, streamline time commitments, or customize support for teacher professional growth.

This Innovations Brief provides local leaders with teacher evaluation options that customize continuous professional learning, based on the strengths and needs of teachers.

Please download the complete document for more information. (pdf)