August 07, 2008

AUDIO: President Iannuzzi participates in tax cap panel discussion

Source:  WAMC

NYSUT President Richard C. Iannuzzi participated in a WAMC Public Radio panel discussion on the pros and cons of a tax cap as a means of property tax relief August 7, 2008.

The audio is available online at the following address:§ionID=3566

Panel Discussion: NYS Property Tax Cap, Pros and Cons 8/7/08

ALBANY, NY (2008-08-07) The New York State Commission on Property Tax Relief was created in early 2008 to examine the root causes of high property taxes in New York State. In June, the commission released a preliminary report of its findings, which recommended making major policy changes, including establishing a property tax cap. Now Governor David Paterson has introduced legislation to cap property taxes, and lawmakers are set to take up the issue when they return to Albany.

WAMC's Alan Chartock hosted a panel discussion on this issue with:

  • Meryl Tisch, Vice Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents
  • Assemblywoman Sandra Galef, Chairwoman of the Assembly Committee on Real Property Taxation
  • Richard Iannuzzi President of New York State United Teachers
  • Bob Ward Deputy Director of Fiscal Studies for the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
  • Bob Biggerstaff, Executive Director, New York State Association of Small City School Districts.