March 12, 2008

Iannuzzi statement on transition in Albany

Source:  NYSUT News Wire
Caption: David A. Paterson addresses delegates to NYSUT's Representative Assembly 2006 in Rochester. File photo by El-Wise Noisette.

New York state Gov. Eliot Spitzer announced his resignation Wednesday morning, March 12, 2008, in a televised address. The resignation is effective Monday, March 17, when Lt. Gov. David Paterson will assume office.


"I am personally saddened, as are all of us at New York State United Teachers, for Eliot Spitzer and especially for his family. As we move past the events of the last three days, we hope they will find strength and healing to move forward.

Iannuzzi and Paterson"NYSUT has had a long and positive relationship with David Paterson as a senator and as lieutenant governor, and we know he has the experience, credentials and leadership to be an exemplary governor for New York state. When he takes office, we will work with him and the Legislature to keep Albany focused on forging a strong state budget, and we are confident that this essential work will go forward."

NYSUT represents 585,000 teachers, school-related professionals, academic and professional faculty in higher education, professionals in education and health care and retirees. NYSUT is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers; National Education Association; and the AFL-CIO.