November 05, 2009

Take Action on Health Care Reform: Call Congress Today

Source:  AFL-CIO

The U.S. House is getting ready to vote on health care reform that provides affordable and quality care for all. This is a critical time, and every vote in Congress matters.

Today, the AFL-CIO is launching a National Week of Action for Health Care, and you can take part by letting Congress know we need health care reform now. Tell your senators and representative that we can't wait any longer for health care reform that:

  • Controls costs and doesn't tax our benefits.
  • Provides guaranteed coverage to all Americans.
  • Includes a public health insurance plan option.
  • Holds insurance companies accountable.
  • Requires all employers to pay their fair share.

Place your call by clicking the "Call" button at the bottom of the action box on this page. You will be asked to provide information so we will know to which members of Congress we should place your call.

Once you click, you'll see some simple talking points to help you to know what to say. Shortly after, we will call you, play a short message and connect you directly-all at no cost to you (unless your phone service provider charges you for incoming calls, you may be charged for the call time).

If you would rather call later and dial yourself, call 1-877-323-5246.

We have a chance in the next few days to pass truly significant health care reform that reins in insurance company abuses and gives millions more access to affordable health coverage. Call your members of Congress and let them know we can't wait for health care reform.