October 05, 2009

Iannuzzi: Washington is becoming a 'center of education' for New York state

Source:  NYSUT News Wire

NYSUT President Richard C. Iannuzzi is featured this week in the Albany Times Union's "Capital Profile" series.

An excerpt:

TU: This is the first school year we're going to have a new president in place. What are some of the primary issues you're going to handle in the coming year?

Iannuzzi: Washington is becoming the center of attention for education instead of Albany. I have been to Washington on each of the last three weeks. I'll be back the week after next. Given the budgetary situations in states and the difficulty in funding and given the willingness of this administration in Washington to put dollars in front of what they believe are good ideas, that's a major shift in how we do business. For eight years, we've heard, 'let's punish the low performing schools' now we're hearing 'let's turn them around.' This is an acknowledgement there's an achievement gap that has to be addressed.

You can read the complete article online at