April 27, 2010

Health Care Professionals Member of the Year: Jeffrey Bradt

Source:  RA 2010

Jeffrey Bradt
Albany County Department of Residential Healthcare Facilities Professional Staff Association

Jeffrey Bradt has been critical to the existence of the Albany County Department of Residential Healthcare Facilities Professional Staff Association. The union was established in 2003 and Bradt was the primary organizer of that effort. Without his drive and desire to protect the rights of his co-workers, the nursing home PSA would not exist.

Bradt served as vice president through 2006 when he became president. He served as negotiations chair for each of the three contracts the local has had. He is involved in every aspect of the union. Bradt is the one person almost all members go to with questions or concerns.

Bradt's impact on the unit was demonstrated last year when the county executive proposed permanently closing the facility, putting all the employees in jeopardy. Working with NYSUT to garner public support, he mounted a campaign to convince the county of the need to build a new home, not just close the old one. He secured a Solidarity Grant from NYSUT to launch a highly visible billboard campaign. The fight is not over, but it appears the effort has the backing of most of the county legislature and the work of the union may now be able to preserve the invaluable facility for residents of the county.