February 18, 2010

Teacher of the Year nomination forms available

Source:  State Ed Updates

The State Education recently announced that information and nomination forms for the 2011 Teacher of the Year Award are now available on the SED Web site.

To: District Superintendents of Schools, Deans and Directors of Teacher Education Programs, New York State United Teachers, NYS School District Superintendents, NYC Regional Superintendents, National Education Association of NY, Association for School Curriculum & Development, NYC Teachers Association, NYS School Boards Association, NYS School Administrators Association, NYS Parent/Teacher Association, School Principals, United Federation of Teachers and Other Partners

From: Joseph P. Frey

Subject: 2011 Teacher of the Year Award

I am pleased to announce that the application for the 2011 New York State Teacher of the Year Award is now available online at:

The purpose of the Teacher of the Year program is to recognize and celebrate outstanding teachers throughout New York State. It is run in conjunction with the National Teacher of the Year program. To be eligible, a teacher must be appropriately credentialed within his or her current teaching area, working directly with students (pre-kindergarten through grade 12) in a State-approved public, private or charter school and have a minimum of five years teaching experience.

A teacher may be initially recommended for nomination by any person within the school or community including parents, students, business leaders, school administrators or colleagues. The formal nomination should involve a collaborative decision-making process indicating the support of all the groups concerned with the quality of teaching within a school. A complete portfolio including letters of support is submitted for each nominee. Support from the school community may include several days of release time to fulfill the obligations of the Teacher of the Year.

We look forward to receiving many applications from our statewide teachers for this important teacher recognition initiative. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kathleen Clarity, Teacher of the Year Coordinator, at (518) 486-6042 or via E-mail to:

cc: Members of the Board of Regents, Commissioner David Steiner