July 09, 2013

Stand with Walmart workers

Source:  NYSUT Communications
walmart action

NYSUT members are adding their voices to those calling on retail giant Walmart to end its "illegal assault on workers' rights." 

Walmart’s latest attack on labor rights came earlier this month when more than 100 Walmart employees attended the chain’s annual shareholder meeting to protest attempts to silence them when they spoke out against poverty-level jobs. A short time later, 10 of the protesters were fired and 25 others were disciplined.

The workers wasted no time and devised a campaign that calls on members of the Walmart Board of Directors to stop management’s attempt to suppress workers’ right to protest an injustice.

NYSUT - which boasts a strong social justice agenda - the American Federation of Teachers and other unions and labor rights organizations are standing with the Walmart workers. In an email to her members, AFT President Randi Weingarten said:

“Not only is this a major assault on Walmart workers, it’s an attempt to suppress the fundamental right to come together and speak out for a better future.”

NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi and other union leaders are urging members to stand with Walmart workers and let the board of directors know that these attacks will not be tolerated. Send the board a message now.