February 26, 2019

TAKE ACTION: Support teacher centers and other professional programs

Author: Andy Pallotta, NYSUT President
Source:  NYSUT Member Action Center
teacher centers

Great teachers don't just happen.

The 2019-20 executive budget eliminates all funding for Teacher Centers, which provide comprehensive, ongoing professional development and support services to educators and are critical for teachers, parents and other school-related professionals. The singular goal of Teacher Centers is to increase effectiveness in the classroom. Yet, year-after-year we are forced to fight for this critical investment.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to ask lawmakers to support funding for Teacher Centers and other critical tools for teachers in the 2019-20 State Budget!

Funding for Teacher Centers supports the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards; guidance for educators to meet the needs of English language learners; training on technology purchased with Smart Bond funding; STEM and STEAM initiatives; and the creation of safe and supportive learning environments for all students. Teacher Center programs can be accessed in-person, online, or a combination of both, so educators from across the state can easily access professional development that addresses their needs.

In addition, it is important that we support funding for the Mentor Teacher-Internship Program (MTIP), a grant program that provides support for new educators, as well as the National Board Certification Program.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to ask lawmakers to support funding for Teacher Centers and other critical tools for teachers in the 2019-20 State Budget!

The state should invest in the tools that will help our teachers and students succeed!

Please take action now!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President

P.S.: Take action to support Teacher Centers, MTIP, and the National Board Certification Program!