December 10, 2021

TAKE ACTION: Show your support for SED’s federal waiver request

Source:  NYSUT Research and Educational Services

In another school year disrupted by the pandemic, NYSUT strongly supports the State Education Department's request for a federal waiver from state accountability requirements for 2021-22.

NYSUT members will be impacted, and SED needs to hear our voices.

Take a few minutes to complete SED's survey now!

If the waiver is granted, New York would not use testing data to label or penalize schools.

The deadline for comment on the waiver proposal is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15.

So act now! Make your voice heard!


If the proposed waiver is granted, New York state will:

  • Not use 2021-22 school year data to identify or remove schools from identification as Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools and Targeted Support and Improvement Schools;
  • Not assign accountability levels to schools or subgroups of students on each of New York’s accountability indicators;
  • Provide schools that are at risk of identification as Targeted Support and Improvement Schools based on their 2018-19 school year performance the opportunity to apply for Title I School Improvement Grant Funds. (Without a waiver these schools would not be eligible to participate in this grant.)

The full text of the proposed waiver is online. Email questions about the measure to