Union Victories
May 22, 2024

Overwhelming number of district budgets pass, pro-public school candidates elected statewide

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations
On May 21, New Yorkers made their position clear: Our public schools belong to all of us

ALBANY – New York State United Teachers issued the following statement after voters across the state turned out Tuesday to approve school budgets and elect school board members.

According to NYSUT’s initial analysis of the results Wednesday morning, 97 percent of public-school budgets passed, and 84 percent of union-endorsed candidates were elected to school boards, including 73 NYSUT members.

“Once again, voters have shown they know strong public schools mean strong communities, and we thank them for turning out to support students and educators,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person. “Today, our public schools are doing more than ever; not only do they provide world-class education with innovative programs and experiences, they are also supporting the physical, mental, social and emotional needs of our students and their families. Investments in our school budgets and dedication in our school boards are vital to the future of our state. Tuesday’s results show that voters agree.”

After a tumultuous state budget season where hundreds of districts faced the threat of budget cuts, advocacy from NYSUT and education partners saw the elimination of the hold harmless policy reversed and Foundation Aid funding increased.

Still, 31 districts attempted to override the tax cap with a supermajority vote to maintain programs and services this year. As of Wednesday morning, 19 were successful, 10 failed and two were still pending.

Districts where budgets failed will vote again on June 18.

Board and Budget Statement