October 2012 Issue
September 24, 2012

Register and VOTE! It's your right. It's your voice.

Author: Betsy Sandberg
Source: NYSUT United

As the political right continues its efforts to suppress voter turnout this fall, NYSUT continues its drive to register the unregistered throughout our communities.

NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi said voter mobilization is more important than ever because of the unprecedented attacks on the right to vote nationwide. Voter identification laws from 2011 are denying more than 21 million eligible voters access to the ballot box, the AFL-CIO estimated. Those most suppressed from voting have been African-Americans, the elderly, students, people with disabilities, veterans and military personnel.

Last year, NYSUT registered 2,850 voters, which represented 29 percent of all new voter registrations in New York for an eight-month period.

To be eligible to vote in this year's Nov. 6 general election, applications must be postmarked no later than Oct. 12 and received by a board of elections no later than Oct. 17. You can call 800-FOR-VOTE to request a form, or you can download one at www.elections.ny.gov.

If you have been honorably discharged from the military or have become a naturalized citizen since Oct. 12, you may register in person at the board of elections up until Oct. 26. Check with your county board of elections to make sure you are registered.

Applications for absentee ballots can be downloaded at www.elections.ny.gov.

Not sure you're registered? Visit https://voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us and input your information.