June 2015 Issue
May 21, 2015

Check it Out: Time for summer reading

Source: NYSUT United

The American Labor Studies Center has put together a perfect summer reading list for children:

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Christian Robinson

Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why they don't own a car like his friend, Colby. How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town?

Our Community of Workers Coloring Book by Marilyn Anderson and Jonathan Garlock

This children's coloring book is about moms and dads working in offices, on construction sites, in factories and warehouses and the hospital, etc. The book was created by the Rochester, NY Labor Council.

Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington by Frances E. Ruffin, illustrated by Stephen Marchesi

Written for 5–8 year olds, this is an introduction to Martin Luther King Jr. and the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It uses the march as a point of reference to talk about segregation and the battle for equal rights.

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsy Lewin

Farmer Brown has a problem. All day long he hears click, clack, moo coming from the cow barn. What's all this about? He gets the answer when the cows send a note to the farmhouse.

Manny and the Mango Tree by Ali R. and Valerie Bustamante, illustrated by Monica Lunot-Kuker

Meet Manny, a good-natured boy who cannot understand why the owner of his apartment building won't let the children pick the mangoes from the tree they lovingly watered and fed. With parents scared the owner will call immigration if they object, Manny and his friends organize a protest march that raises one hullabaloo.

These books and many others are available at www.laborbooks.com.

"Check it Out" features books recommended to teachers and parents by school librarians and other educators. Have a recommendation? Send suggestions, along with your name and local union, to lfrenett@nysutmail.org.