English Language Learners, Testing/Assessments & Learning Standards, Middle-Level Education
March 18, 2021

Fact Sheet 21-7: 2021 NYS English as Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) FAQ

Source: NYSUT Research & Educational Services


Why administer the Spring 2021 NYSESLAT?

It will offer students the opportunity to exit ELL status, if appropriate, and ensure that the appropriate levels of English as a New Language services continue to be provided to ELLs in the upcoming school year.

Who should be tested?

All identified ELLs able to test in-person.

What are the administration dates for the Spring 2021 NYSESLAT?

The end date for the administration of all components has been extended to Wednesday, June 9, 2021.
Speaking: Monday, April 19 through Wednesday, June 9.
Listening/Reading/Writing: Monday, May 17 through Wednesday, June 9. Make-up tests are to be administered within the administration window.

Is there any flexibility in scheduling the NYSESLAT?

Yes. Schools are not required to choose three specific school days for the administration of the Listening/Reading/Writing sessions for students testing in the same grade band.

Is it mandatory that all ELLs take the Spring 2021 NYSESLAT?

It is not required for students who cannot safely and fairly participate. Schools are not expected to bring students into the building to participate in the tests if they are receiving entirely remote instruction; however, schools should conduct outreach to the parents/guardians of ELLs to inquire as to whether they would like to make arrangements to have their child participate in person in the school building in the NYSESLAT during the testing window.

Can the NYSESLAT be administered remotely?


Are there any recommendations schools should keep in mind?

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) suggests breaking up the administration of the NYSESLAT into multiple days to minimize student fatigue. School administrators will be allowed to approve the administration to a student of up to two testing sessions per day.

Schools may choose to test students who are receiving hybrid instruction on the days that they are ordinarily attending school in person.

Only qualified personnel (certified teachers or administrators) with special training in administering the NYSESLAT should administer the NYSESLAT.

Additional Resource:
 New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)