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June 10, 2011

Doing something for students every day

Author: NYSUT Communications

By Marjorie DiRisio Duger

Every day, I do something to help keep a student in school. Every day, I give medications that allow students with chronic diseases to stay in school so they may learn with their peers. Every day, I sooth a student who is feeling ill, feeling sad, feeling bullied, injured, or just in need of some TLC. Every day, I tend to complaints of illnesses and minor injuries. Every day, I observe, assess, make decisions, treat, document, maintain records, and comply with state standards, regulations and surveys. Every day, I speak with parents when they have concerns about their child and when I have concerns about their child. Every day, I come to work and make a difference in a child's life at school.

Many times, outsiders misunderstand my job is misunderstood and think it is "easy." Many people think I apply Band-Aids all day. My job has changed drastically over the decades. There are now children who come to school every day with chronic long-term diseases and disabilities. There are children from broken homes and broken families. I help these children stay in school so that they may have the same opportunities that every child has a right to have.

I am sure you know who I am: I am a school nurse and I make a difference in students’ lives everyday! And in turn, they make a difference in my life!

(Marjorie DiRisio Duger is a member of the Baldwinsville ESP Association.)