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May 17, 2011

Kristen Remini: It's What We Do

Author: NYSUT Communications

When you’re a teacher you teach more than curriculum. WHAT WE DO is take the role of the parent, guardian, friend, confidant, therapist, etc. My classroom is home to many of my students. They find solace and peace when they enter the room. They confide in me and share their hopes and dreams. We talk about the world and what it means to be a good citizen and friend. We discuss current events and even share a cry or two. WHAT WE DO is mold these young minds into proper citizens and adults. We enrich their minds with vast knowledge of the world and teach them to learn from our mistakes. And they teach me too; they teach me patience and loyalty. I am so grateful for these children; they will never know what they have done for me! I love each and every one of them; IT’S WHAT WE DO! With the Warmest Regards, Kristen Remini PS/IS 295 Queens Village, NY