Jaime L. Ciffone

Executive Vice President
Jaime L. Ciffone

Jaime L. Ciffone is the Executive Vice President for NYSUT. She was an educator with the New York City Department of Education for 21 years. Her experience includes nine years as an ENL classroom teacher and six years as a school-based Literacy/Instructional Coach. With the UFT Teacher Center since 2011, she joined the Central Staff Team in 2017.

Ciffone has provided professional learning for teachers and paraprofessionals on both elementary and secondary levels. Most recently, she held the position of Field Liaison, supporting schools in the Bronx. She also designed and implemented Literacy, English as a New Language, Early Childhood and other professional learning opportunities for the UFT Teacher Center Staff and New York City educators.

Ciffone was the director of the Human Resources team for the UFT Teacher Center heading the resume and interviewing process as the number of Teacher Centers continued to expand. For six years, she also coordinated and presented for the American Federation of Teachers Center For School Improvement Leadership Institute.

April 2023