This newsletter is intended to provide timely and valuable updates on National Board endeavors that NYSUT is undertaking. In this issue, we focus on April's Recognition event, Professional Learning Facilitator Training and the materials PLFs have at their disposal to utilize for candidate support.
NYSUT is pleased to support our members interested in pursuing National Board Certification. In order to provide greater equity and access, NYSUT is now working with new facilitator training materials developed and provided free of charge by the certifying organization - the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Because these NPBTS materials are the most current and most closely aligned training materials to support the National Board Program for our members, Jump Start materials will be retired from NYSUT PLF training and should no longer be used in New York.

NYSED and NYSUT applaud 60 teachers who achieved 'gold standard' national certification
If you weren't able to virtually attend the April 14th event celebrating the 60 new NBCTs in New York, you are in luck! The events was recorded and is available to be viewed on demand at
NYSUT National Board Professional Learning Facilitator Training Informational Session
When: Thursday, May 20th, 4-5pm
Where: This is an online event.
More information
This hour-long session will provide an overview of NYSUT's National Board Professional Learning Facilitator training and NBPTS materials used to support candidates. Participants are encouraged to ask questions regarding the PLF training and NBPTS materials. Please register at As a reminder, the two sections of NYSUT's NB PLF training are scheduled for June 29-July 1, 2021 and August 24-26, 2021.
NYSUT's National Board Professional Learning Facilitator Training
NYSUT's National Board Professional Learning Facilitator Training will provide facilitators with the tools to engage candidates in the systematic study of accomplished teaching and provide support through the National Board Certification process. This training will use the vast framework of free materials shared by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
The training will be differentiated to meet the needs of various audiences as illustrated below:
1) facilitators without any previous experience in the National Board process will attend Days 1, 2, and 3;
2) facilitators experienced or certified in the previous National Board certification process will complete an asynchronous CANVAS module prior to Day 2, then attend both Day 2 PM session and all of Day 3; or
3) facilitators experienced or certified in the current National Board certification process will attend both Day 2 PM and all of Day 3
Participants will engage in rich, deep, collaborative conversations; become familiar with resources; and explore high quality materials that can be brought back, in a virtual setting and be tailored to meet their candidates' contextual needs.
NYSUT's National Board Professional Learning Facilitator Training
When: Tuesday, Aug. 24th, 8:30am to Thursday, Aug. 26th, 3:30pm
Where: This is an online event.
More information
Register at

Free NBPTS Resources to Support Candidates through the Board Certification Process
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has a number of resources available to individuals and organizations interested in supporting teachers through the Board Certification process. All of these free resources have been developed by Board Certified teachers with extensive experience supporting teachers to and through the process. What follows is a brief overview of these free resources based on your role in the process.
Are you interested in facilitating professional learning for teachers pursuing National Board Certification?
The Professional Learning Facilitator Training Course is a collection of resources and guided learning activities for individuals or groups interested in supporting educators pursuing Board certification. These materials were derived from the PLF Training Materials developed in partnership with an instructional design team composed of National Board Certified Teachers, National Education Association, National Board Resource Center at Stanford, and American Institute of Research.
Modules in this course include:
Working with Adult Learners,
Facilitating with an Equity Lens,
Ethics and Facilitating Candidates,
Understanding Scoring, and Providing Effective Feedback to Candidates
To access this course, please register here.
Are you interested in building a program to support teachers pursuing National Board Certification in your school, district or teacher center?
There are two course Canvas courses that you can download to use for in-person, virtual, or hybrid support programs. You can use the courses as they have been developed or pick and choose resources and strategies to embed that support your needs. You can access more information on these resources here.
Preparing for National Board Certification for Support Providers: This course was developed by the Stanford National Board Resource Center (NBRC) for teachers pursuing National Board Certification. This course is populated with videos, tools, and resources to support facilitators build or adapt support programs. The course is free and easy to adapt to meet the needs of the teachers you are supporting and/or the system you are designing.
National Board MOC Course Template: This course is designed as a template to be used by those supports for teachers working on their Maintenance of Certification.
Are you interested in sharing additional resources with teachers pursuing National Board Certification?
NBPTS has made available a number of Canvas courses for teachers interested in pursuing National Board Certification. Teachers can self-enroll in these courses and engage with the content at their own pace. More information on those courses can be found here under the section “Self-Guided Courses for Candidates”.
National Board Certification: Overview and Quick Start Guide: This resource packet is organized with the essential resources for teachers considering National Board Certification.
National Board Certification: Candidate Resource Guide: This Candidate Resource Guide that includes the key certification documents and additional resources (webinar recordings, free Canvas course, two or three year pathway guides, and graphic organizers) to support candidates on the National Board Certification journey.
NBPTS is finalizing a new National Board Certification Program Building Toolkit and hopes to have that resource finalized by the end of June. NYSUT and NBPTS will offer an informational webinar on July 13 at 3:00 pm to introduce this valuable toolkit along with how it can be used. To attend this webinar, register here.
If you are interested in receiving this resource, please take this quick survey. Once the resources have been finalized and your request has been processed, you'll receive an email with next steps on how to access.