Health and Safety Websites


  • Ergonomics
    Provides information concerning ergonomics solutions to companies and individuals looking to increase productivity and quality while decreasing worker overuse injuries.
  • Cornell Design and Environmental Analysis
    Information from ergonomics research studies is featured. Includes ergonomic news, Cornell ergonomic information and survey forms and checklists.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Strain Injuries
    Provides information on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and other musculoskeletal injuries.
  • CTD News
    North America's leading source for information on cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) injuries from carpal tunnel syndrome to low back pain.
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
    Information on HFES programs, services and member benefits.
  • Washington State Lift Evaluations
    Washington State Department of Labor & Industries - Evaluation Tools for mechanical lifts. Helpful for those who handle students and patients (people).

Environmental Information

Health Care

Higher Education

Indoor Air Quality and Facilities Maintenance

  • The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineer (ASHRAE)
    Information on the arts and science of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Aerias
    Considered one of the best sites for indoor air quality information. Has virtual tours of a school, office building, and home. Can also learn about specific problems within other spaces including health care and museums.
  • Air Quality Sciences, Inc.
    ISO 9002 registered indoor air quality (IAQ) firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. Focuses on the causes and health effects of IAQ.
  • Asthma and the School Environment in New York State
    Explores school-based asthma management, which includes management of the school environment, as an important ingredient in the lives of children with asthma.
  • EPA Indoor Air
    Extensive information about all aspects of indoor air quality. Has specific section for schools (Tools for Schools).
  • Green Building Design and Construction
    The site includes a matrix of construction projects using sustainable materials, a list of green building profiles and case studies.
  • Healthy Clean Buildings
    Dedicated to the replacing of existing, conventional toxic and hazardous cleaning chemicals in offices, schools, homes, and public buildings.

Labor Organizations

Lead Based Paint

Chemical Safety and Material Safety Data Sheets


Safety and Health

Drug addiction

Violence Prevention in Schools

Workers Compensation

Workplace Violence

For more information

For more information on NYSUT health and safety services and publications, contact your NYSUT regional office.

This publication is made possible by a grant from the New York State Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education Program (C008850). July 2001.