CTE: Career and Technical Education

career and technical education
CTE Works: Frank Mascetta, Southern Westchester BOCES

CTE Works: Frank Mascetta, Southern Westchester BOCES

Every day, Frank Mascetta meets his students at the door of his classroom with a handshake. It sets the tone for his class, where all of his students are treated like the emerging professionals that he’s training them to be.

Project-based learning: Promoting potential and creating confidence

Acting as consultants, seniors from Tech Valley High School are creating solutions to problems identified by industry experts at highly successful businesses.
Greenburgh-North Castle United Teachers help students grow real world skills

Greenburgh-North Castle United Teachers help students grow real world skills

At Kenneth Clark Academy in Dobbs Ferry, educators are providing exciting opportunities for hands-on, project-based learning – and they’re not afraid to get those hands dirty.
schuylerville school visit

“These cuts cannot go through.” NYSUT, lawmakers, education officials push back on proposed Foundation Aid cuts

NYSUT President Melinda Person held a roundtable discussion with education officials and local lawmakers on Friday to discuss the impacts proposed Foundation Aid cuts would have on the Schuylerville Central School District and its community.
David Chizzonite, Chittenango High School

CTE Works: David Chizzonite, Chittenango High School

Nestled beside the sleepy Erie Canal, Chittenango High School boasts one the most cutting-edge robotics teams in the state. Led by faculty advisor and STEM teacher David Chizzonite, the team learns how to design, build and operate robots.
STEAM event

NYSUT joins Gov. Hochul, education advocates for major workforce development announcement in Syracuse

NYSUT President Melinda Person joined Gov. Kathy Hochul at the Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central Thursday for the announcement of a significant investment to increase the pipeline of students interested in the semi-conductor industry and high-tech manufacturing.
experiential learning in queens

Experiential learning programs keep students hands-on and engaged

This fall, NYSUT President Melinda Person hit the road and visited an assortment of hands-on classrooms that are engaging students and helping them find their passions.
Vincent LaVerdi

CTE Works: Vincent LaVerdi, Erie Community College

Vinnie LaVerdi has been the director of Erie Community College’s Automotive Technology Program for six months, and an instructor for six years. In that time, he has helped hundreds of his students score in demand jobs.
Linda Romano, member of the Newburgh TA and President of the New York State Association of Career and Technical Education, with two of her students from her Certified Nursing Assistant program at the Newburgh Free Academy.

CTE Profile: Linda Romano, Newburgh Teachers Association

Career and Technical Education isn’t just a pathway to a career. For many students, it’s a lifeline. Just ask Linda Romano, Health Science Educator at Newburgh Free Academy, whose own personal story illustrates just how transformative these programs can be.
Berne-Knox-Westerlo CTE Teachers Josh Baker (fourth from right) and Bill Dergosits (third from right) with their students. The class is using their training to restore the 1976 Corvette Stringray, which will be auctioned off to raise funds for the district’s growing CTE program.

CTE Profile: Joshua Baker and William Dergosits, Berne-Knox-Westerlo TA

At Berne-Knox-Westerlo Secondary School, Career and Technical Education teachers Joshua Baker and William Dergosits are finding innovative new ways to teach tomorrow’s careers today.
career and technical education

CTE Works: State funding needed to put students on path to employment

“It’s important to show students where something is going to take them,” said Linda Romano, health science educator at Newburgh Free Academy and President of the New York State Association of Career and Technical Education. “Career and Technical Education connects lessons they’re learning in the classroom with the real world, using a subject they’re interested in.”
BOCES advocacy at the Capitol

BOCES advocates urge lawmakers to expand access to CTE

Nearly 100 educators, students, and administrators took part in this week’s BOCES Advocacy Day for meetings with state legislators to call for boosting state aid and changing the funding formula so more students have access to Career and Technical Education programs.
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