Have questions about current protocols, physical distancing, isolation, and quarantine? Answers can be found in this document created by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) This document is meant to be used in conjunction with guidance provided by the CDC, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), and your school or district's local Department of Health. Learn more here. August 2022.
General information and resources on the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more. Dec. 23, 2020.
Although the vaccine is now being distributed, we must continue to maintain all infection control safety measures. School Reopening Guidance from the NYS SED, the CDC and the NYS DOH still apply. Learn more. Dec. 23, 2020.
Educators are faced with difficult decisions about what instructional content to keep synchronous (live sessions), what content to ask students to engage with on their own time (asynchronous), and what content to cut. Here are some best practices to apply when adapting your content for hybrid and remote learning. Learn more.
As school districts move forward with educational plans for this fall, a number of districts are planning to offer electronic delivery of instruction, both live-streamed and recorded. This has raised a number of labor and employment questions. Learn more.
To help develop guidance to local unions and field staff, NYSUT assembled a transportation staff focus group in May with about a dozen bus drivers and bus monitors/aides from around the state. This document summarizes the focus group discussion, as well as suggestions for how to address several of the concerns. As always, local union leaders should consult with their NYSUT labor relations specialist for questions and advice. Learn more.
As the education community looks to reopen New York schools, we must look through the lens of educational equity and access for all students. That is why we have assembled a series of thought-provoking questions for you to consider when developing your local union’s positions about reopening. Learn more.
NYSUT local unions have an important role to play in ensuring our schools are safe places for members and the school community. That’s why all NYSUT locals should insist on participating in the development of their building’s re-opening plan. This resource provides an overview of developing a workplace risk assessment; creating a plan to protect the school community; and offering training and communication on health and safety policies and procedures. Learn more.
NYSUT is committed to ensuring that our collective voice is heard on all issues related to the health and safety of our school communities. One way this can be done is by working with our schools to establish effective health and safety committees.
We encourage you to review this how-to guide (PDF) to learn more about best practices and what the state law requires. Learn more.
We recognize there are a lot of moving pieces. This resource guide for local presidents and NYSUT labor relations specialists contains key questions to consider and other health and safety information that will help those developing plans to reopen schools. We do not prescribe specific policy since every situation is unique and many local factors must be considered. Learn more. Leader login required.
After the governor issued an executive order allowing districts to offer in-person summer services for students with disabilities, the state Department of Health recently posted an interim guidance advisory.
This advisory outlines minimum requirements for opening schools for summer special education services. While the advisory outlines some provisions, additional health and safety details should be considered in order to have a comprehensive plan for bringing staff and students back to school. Learn more.